Below are answers to common questions we get. Of course, it isn't all-inclusive. If you have additional questions, please feel free to send an email to or contact any of our Board members or tutors.
Does Unitas provide the students' curriculum?
No, Unitas provides parents a curriculum listing for each class prior to the start of the academic year. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that the student has access to all the required texts prior to the start of classes.
Does Unitas provide the students uniforms?
No, parents should use the Uniform Guidelines to assist in selecting appropriate dress for their children. (See Family Handbook under "Student Life")
Are there any other additional fees besides tuition?
All fees are included in the tuition. However, there may be additional costs for special in-class projects, events and activities, or field trips. The tutor or the class parent will send information out to the families should additional costs be required.
How will Unitas communicate with the cooperative families?
The primary means of general communication will be through the website and email. Information may also be placed in the family folders located on the POD (Parent of the Day) table. Parents should check their folder when dropping off or picking up their children each day. There will also be a quarterly parent meeting held during the tutoring hours to announce upcoming events, review policy, arrange for special events, allow for parental input and questions, and provide an opportunity for the committees to meet. It is required that at least one parent from each family attend each scheduled parent meeting.
Is Unitas an umbrella group for the county?
No, we are not an umbrella. There are many in our area and there are Unitas families that belong to a variety of these groups. If you choose not to enroll with an umbrella group, you are required to report directly to your county representative.
Besides the subjects that Unitas covers, what other subjects do we need to teach?
Your umbrella or county representative should give you a list of the subjects that you are required to cover in the academic year. Some of which are (but not limited to): Health, Spelling, Handwriting, Bible, Music, Art and Physical Education.